It has nearly been a whole year since I started my blog. A whole year spent writing about our Evalyn and telling her story, trying to raise awareness and fundraising for baby loss charities. . . .

A whole year spent talking about my little girl.

Evalyn’s story doesn’t change. That’s the thing I’ve realised about being a loss parent. I tell her story over and over again but it never changes. The ending is always the same. Evalyn never grows up. She never goes on adventures, or ages, or wakes to a new day. But as a loss parent and through my words, she gets to live on in a way that life never let her . . .

I have met so many loss parents this past year, each with their own unique experiences and journeys and I have been inspired by them all. I have enjoyed listening to your stories and about your babies and about your lives – both before and after loss – and you have given me so much strength when facing my own battles. Because that’s what we do. We talk about our babies, our hopes, our fears, our challenges and we inspire eachother and give hope to others just starting along this path that, somehow, there IS a way to survive this.

And most importantly, we get to talk about our babies. . . .

So, I want to tell YOUR stories. I want to write a blog dedicated to your journeys and your beautiful babies and give you a platform to share your child with the world. It can be anything – your little one’s story , your story and how you have coped, a poem, quote or song that means so much to you since your loss, your views on how you have coped with the loss of your baby. ANYTHING! Anything that we can share to not only raise awareness but which will offer support to parents who have found themselves on this road and can’t see through the darker days. . .

If you have anything you would like to share, please message me and let’s share our babies with the world.

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