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On 8th November 2016, our lives were changed forever when our Evalyn was born sleeping. Nothing can quite prepare you for the impact the loss of a baby has on your lives and we have spent the past year grieving Evalyn, missing Evalyn and trying to raise awareness for baby loss. It has been by far the hardest journey we have had to face.

But sometimes in life, just sometimes, the sun splits through the storm clouds and a rainbow appears. . . .

On 29th November 2017 at 09:32, Ieuan and Evalyn’s little sister, Iola, came screaming into the world. Once again our lives have been changed forever but this time, a little stitch has been placed over the wounds of our hearts that have been broken since Evalyn left us.

Pregnancy after loss has been hard and up until this point, it has not been something that I have been able to blog about. I have instead found myself focusing on just trying to get through, taking each day as it has greeted me and continued to share our journey of raising awareness and coping with life after loss. But I do want to share my journey as it is as much a part of Evalyn’s story as it is our own. Pregnancy after loss has shown me another chapter after baby loss that although is a blessing in itself, is also full of anxiety and a longing I have never experienced before.

Evalyn’s story will never be over. Iola will never replace her sister and just like Ieuan, she will grow up knowing all about the little girl who changed our lives. And we will continue on our own journey. I will continue to speak about Evalyn, about grief, about love and hope.

This is a journey that begun with Evalyn and it is a journey that we will continue with her by our side and in our hearts. . . .

Welcome to the world, Iola E Lang.

Just like Ieuan and Evalyn, you are so loved.





13 thoughts on “Hello, Little One . . . .

  1. Oh my god! Congratulations for this little sunshine. This made me cry. I’m crying because of too much happiness for you and your family. This little girl is your greatest gift and a perfect Christmas present. May God continue to bless your family. Much love! xx

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This is the most wonderful news. You have never been far from our thoughts this last year , you are truly lovely people . Loads of love , Caroline And Mike X X

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This made me so happy to read! Congratulations on your beautiful rainbow. PAL is so so hard and I commend you for getting through it. I hope your precious girl helps you feel closer to Evalyn xx

    Liked by 2 people

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